And, Again…

I started this blog to document my journey to become a better person all around. My intentions were good, but I slowly started to lose focus. Life happened. Nothing big, but just constant. New job, new priorities.

Or so I thought. Once again I forgot about myself. About putting me first. That sounds so selfish. I mean, I forgot to put my well-being, my life goals, in the forefront. I have a hard time saying no to anyone except myself.

So, here I am again. New year, renewed determination. This time, though, I’m doing reflection. Where did I stop? What could’ve I done differently? What change might have helped me stay focus?

So, I am armed with my phone and a few programs. For my weight, which has spiraled completely out of control, I have joined and downloaded Weight Watchers. I know that tracking my food consumption is the key to my success–or it was about 4 years ago when I lost over 50 pounds. I haven’t gained it all back, but pretty much of it.

For my blogging–WordPress is downloaded on my phone. No excuse not to write down my thoughts, progress, hiccups. And my calendar. I scheduled time to actually write. Maybe this will be a blog full of stream of consciousness writings. šŸ˜‚

For my budget, I transferred my everyday spending to a different bank, different account. That’s all I have to spend. I have the app to constantly track my daily finances. My husband will continue to pay the monthly bills (he’s the saver, I’m the spender. Actually taking control will help me track my spending).

I still have to add meditation which I am determined to begin soon. I also need to prioritize our online business. But, for this week and the foreseeable future, it’s the above.

Refocus. Begin again. I fell down, I’m picking myself back up and trying again. This time, I know where I need to improve. I’m better prepared. Second attempt, here I come! ā˜ŗļø

Social Media and Happiness

Have you ever scrolled through your social media feed and been more depressed afterwards than you were before? I find this to be true in some of my Facebook groups. What negative nellies. They just have to have the last word or be right.

What ever happened to learning from one another? Listening to other point of views? Wow–you might actually learn something new or view a topic in a different way! Isn’t that what growth is?

(From Suzanne Ling on Facebook)

Why aren’t we using social media to promote positivity. Stop showing me videos and thoughts about discrimination, hatred, and full of negative vibes. Build me up. Give me hope, faith, and belief in people.

Why aren’t we celebrating “everyday hero’s”? Why am I not seeing things about kindness to everyone? I know it exists. The world isn’t full of discrimination and hatred. Yet, that seems to be what the social media promotes.

I challenge YOU to post positivity and hope. Take thirty seconds each day to write a positive thought on someone’s timeline. Send someone a positive message. Post a happy quote, meant to motivate your friends.

Spread positivity.

Failure is Learning

Remember learning how to ride a bike? How many tines did you fall? How long did it take you to learn?

Did you learn how to swim? Scary! But, I bet you can swim like a fish now.

Did every successful person wake up one day and say, ā€œIā€™m going to be successful today!ā€ Iā€™m sure. Were they successful that same day? Iā€™m sure not. They failed a few times.

Each time you fall, each time you fail, you find a way that didnā€™t workā€“a way that didnā€™t get you closer to your goals.

What did you learn? What couldā€™ve you done differently?

Get up. Brush yourself off. Begin again. Try another time. And another. Each fall makes you stronger and wiser. What are you waiting for? What will you learn today?


As a teacher, workshops over the past few years have centered on growth mindsets. We need to teach students itā€™s okay to fail. Failures are learning experiences. They donā€™t define us or reflect upon us. Used correctly, they are stepping stones to our dreams. The true failure comes in never trying.

This didnā€™t hit home until I was talking with husband. Rather, he was talking. Talking forcefully and quickly. Talking about why heā€™s not ready to start an online business. What if people say no? What if heā€™s rejected by one after another? What if we fail?!

I stood in stunned silence. This is what goes through the minds of my students! I never totally understood the emotions, the fear, the desire to always succeed.

What if they do say no? What if one person after another says no? If everyone does, itā€™s time to reflect on my approach. What if I fail? So what? Iā€™ll try a different way. Iā€™m not a loser. Iā€™m not a failure. I just found out I need more training. Or more reflection. Or more resources. But it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not ā€œenoughā€. I believe it was Thomas Edison who said, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. I just found 1,000 ways that it didn’t work.”

What if I never try? Iā€™ll never win. I may have to start and restart hundreds of times. Eventually Iā€™ll win. After ā€œfailingā€ so many times, Iā€™ll find the one way that works. It can be no other way.

Never startā€“never win. OR startā€“failā€“failā€”failā€“win. It doesnā€™t matter how many fails I put in there. As long as I keep going, win is at the end. If I never start, never try, then never winning is guaranteed!

Iā€™ll fall 99 times, but Iā€™ll rise 100 times. Iā€™ll be rejected. Iā€™ll fail. Iā€™ll have people say to me, ā€œI told you so.ā€ In the end though, Iā€™ll be standing at the finish line, proudly.

Where will you be?

Is It Better to Try and Fail or to Never Try?

Your Tribe is Your Vibe

I remember a few years ago I spent a year doing a ā€œhappiness projectā€. It was one of the most eye opening years I have ever had. It changed my life dramatically, good and bad.

But what astounded me the most during that time was that there were actually people who didnā€™t want me to be happy! Not only that, the happier I got, the madder and meaner they got. They were miserable people who only wanted to be surrounded by miserable people. But I had not seen this before. These people were my close friends! Werenā€™t they supposed to be happy for me? Werenā€™t they supposed to support and to encourage me?

I felt betrayed, let down, and alone. It resulted in a complete job change, friend change, personality change. I lost everything I thought I valued. However, I slowly came to realize that I wanted to up my vibrationā€“to be happy. I couldnā€™t do that where I was.

You absolutely cannot live a positive life surrounded by people with negative attitudes. Start to minimize the amount of time you spend around negativity. Start to seek out those who lift you up, encourage you, and make you want to be a better person. Watch how your life changes as you begin to raise your energy and vibes!

If you want to raise your vibration, you really have to look closely at those who are around you. As you raise it, you may encounter resistance from loved ones. What do you do? Please donā€™t think you can bring them up with you. You canā€™t. You cannot change anyone but yourself.

You will be challenged emotionally. Your tribe will change. The universe will bring new people into your life. Old friends will leave. This is needed to keep your vibration rising. Youā€™re not doing anything wrong. You will find these new friends are supportive in ways you never imagined. One day you’ll look around and realize you really are surround by positivity.

It’s funny. The other day I was looking at a friend’s post on Facebook and saw that another one of my friends had posted on the post I was looking at. Now, realize these were friends from different areas of my life, friends who lived at least fifty miles apart. How did they know one another?! I was amazed. I went through the friends list and saw that another one of my friends-from even a different area of my life was a friend as well! So my business partner friend was friends with a work friend and a camping friend–all living miles and miles apart! What a small world. Interestingly, the more I though about it, the more I realized these three people were very much alike–honest, kind, and “real”. No wonder they are all friends. And to think, I’m part of that group too! I really have come such a long way and have been blessed with these new friends.

If you want to be happy, you must surround yourself with happy people. If you want to be successful, you must surround yourself with successful people. There truly is no other way. You can only attract with what matches your vibration. Your vibration is influenced by your tribe.

Seek people who will support you, who will want to see you succeed.

Minimize the negativity in your life to raise your vibration. Increase the positivity and watch your life change!

Step One–Smile, Smile, Smile

As you begin your happiness project, start to smile at everyone you encounter.

This sounds easy; but itā€™s not. When you smile at strangers, youā€™re taking a risk. This makes you vulnerable. Itā€™s really not as easy as it soundsā€“especially for us introverts!

Iā€™d say start slowly, but who are we kidding? Just get out there. I promise the more you do it, the easier it is. To see the full effect, you must commit to this for several days, ALL day. And no hiding out in your house all day! šŸ˜‰

Sure, some people will frown at you. But remember, that speaks of them, not you. After all, youā€™re the one smiling!

Youā€™ll find that most people smile back. At first, itā€™s a look of surprise, but then youā€™ll get a genuine smile. How many people actually smile at you? Not many. We avoid eye contact. We avoid rejection. Yet, that simple act of someone smiling at you increases that ā€œfeel goodā€ feeling. It validates us.

Thatā€™s what you are giving people. You will find that most people are open to it. Ignore the ones that arenā€™t. You have no idea what kind of day they are having. A loved one in the hospital. A job loss. A fight with a significant other. But one thing is for sureā€“theyā€™ll remember that smile later. Itā€™ll get passed back around. It really will. Each smile you give is forwarded several times. Imagine!


See how YOU feel after a few days of smiling. I guarantee you will feel happier, more confident. This is the first step. Do not skip ahead. Smile at everyone first.

Smile, smile, smile šŸ˜Š

Ready, Set, Go!

As I begin my journey, I am reminded that time will pass regardless. Hours become days, days become weeks, weeks become months. In a year, I can be sitting here wondering where the year went, or I can be sitting here stronger, healthier, and happier than I am today. I choose the latter. This next year will be one of trials and joys, but at least I’m attempting to do something with this year. I remember when I decided to go back to school. My husband wanted to know why now. Why not now? I literally said to him, “In a year I could have a few classes under my belt or be sitting there wishing I had started. Either way the year will pass.” He understood that and off I went. So, today, I commit to trying new things, growing emotionally, and daring to dream the impossible. Join me in my journey. Together weā€™ll be better tomorrow than we are today! #bebetter #onmyjourney